

This is a (short) story about a girl named Karen.  (Hi, that's me!)  From childhood, Karen has always been one to create through several different mediums.   Now flashback to 2020 when Karen developed a deep love of hand embroidery during all of that new spare time the world had.  This love eventually evolved into Karen learning and embracing the art of freehand chainstitch embroidery.

Enter "Magnolia"... Singer 114w102 made in 1954 used to create the one-of-a-kind pieces you know and love.  Magnolia gets her name from Steel Magnolias... for obvious reasons.  Let's just say they don't make machines like they used to.  Because Magnolia is HEAVY.  Don't tell her I said that.

Chainstitch embroidery has opened doors I never knew existed.  For that I am thankful.  The creations I've been entrusted to make.  The people I've met... both online through socials and in-person during live chainstitch events.  It's all a gift.  

Thanks for stopping by this little corner of the chainstitch embroidery interwebs.  If you do nothing else before you "log off"... just shoot me a message to say hi and where you're from!